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The Dreadful Truth

During the school year, my life is often one thing followed by another thing. If it’s not studying, it’s helping someone with their medical school applications. If it’s not volunteering, it’s exercising and playing intramurals.

And throughout the year, I would often say, “I can’t wait for the summer to arrive so I can just kick back and relax, and take a break before the school year starts again.”

Now I’ve come to realize… school isn’t what makes me busy. I am the problem. I think I have a natural habit of taking on stuff to do and once again, I am juggling activities left, right and centre.

At least the summer’s not boring… I wonder what it would like to take a few months off to do absolutely nothing?

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  1. Joe June 22, 2023

    You could just be the type of person who will get absolutely bored doing nothing… Like when a retiree seeks out a new job! Either way, give it a try… We all deserve a nice break every now and then. Let me know how it works out for ya!

  2. AD
    AD October 16, 2023

    I can totally relate. I have a bad habit of never being able to turn down an opportunity whether it is helping a friend or taking on a new project. Can’t choose between two research jobs? Hey i’ll do both lol. Ultimately the only thing I end up giving up is sleep. Oh well, I wonder if I’ll ever change. I agree with the above comment - I can’t stand being bored, so that might be one explanation.

  3. Fred Matteson
    Fred Matteson September 21, 2023

    Sometimes learning how to say no means more than just saying no to drugs.

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